Vaporising Lighter | Atmosrx

Potential health advantages of vaporisation over conventional smoking are being investigated. However, few smokers may vaporise because vaporisation may be tough to accomplish with the present vaporisers on the market. Operating, cleaning, and maintaining traditional vaporisers can be inconvenient and costly due to their size, complexity, number of moving parts, and requirement for electricity or another power source.

Vaporisation could perhaps be achieved using simply a lighter. Vape Lighters provide a hot air flow above the flame that can vaporise smoking material, even if the flame is just a quarter to half an inch tall. It can be tricky to find an optimal position from which to inhale the hot air flow needed to vaporise smoking material since it can ascend vertically and travel with ambient air at a high rate of speed.

Have you ever used or considered a vaporizer that relies on a flame? Maybe you're a dab fan. In this case, a jet-flame lighter or one that can vaporise fuel is required. The vast majority of our lighters and torch lighters are of the highest quality and available in various styles. For DynaVap vaporizers a jet lighter with more than one flame will be helpful — it will make the cap of your VapCap warm up faster. When using a Sticky Brick Labs Vape (Lotus or Vapman), however, we advise using a lighter with a single flame and a jet angled at 90 degrees concerning the lighter's handle. Dabbing, on the other hand, is best done with the largest jet-flame lighters since they provide enough heat to the nail without risking damage to the lighter itself. We're here to help you determine which torch lighter is ideal for your vaporizer. You may rely on our professionals to guide you toward the perfect machine for your requirements.

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